Hello Mike,

On Friday, April 19, 2002 at 11:20:37 PM you wrote (at least in part):

MH> A colleague of mine has just received a message from me (without my
MH> knowledge of sending it) which appears to be related to the Win32.Klez
MH> worm.

MH> There was no attachment from me.

MH> How could this happen with TB? I don't use Outlook, and I thought that
MH> this worm exploited Outlook. I am VERY vigilant about attachments, and
MH> have TB! set up to not allow opening of
MH> *.COM,*.EML,*.CMD,*.JS,*.PL,*.BAS,*.JAVA,*.REG,
MH> *.EXE,*.VBS,*.PIF,*.SCR,*.SHS files.

First: if TB! would have sent this message it will resist in your
'Sent' folder. Have a look there ... (Albeit I can't believe TB! has
been sent it, have a look to be sure).

Second: You write you're not _using_ Outlook. Do you have it installed
anyway and maybe some aeons ago configured to work properly? Does
Outlook (if installed) or Outlook Express have knowledge about your
account data (name, e-mail-address, SMTP-server)?

The 'Received:' headers look like it were your computer having sent
this mail (same IP, sadly no HELO oder EHLO string :-( ).

But there're 'In-Reply-To:' and 'References:' headers too ... quite
unusual as even if the worm could have used MAPI-interface without you
recognizing (which I can't imagine, btw) how should it know about the
original message ID? It will have to be able to read the TB! message
database format to figure out that ... and I've not read 'Klez' is able
to do so ...

You have written 'There was no attachment from me.' ... does that mean
the recipient had no attachment in the mail? If so there's no 'Klez'
issue we could talk about, as 'Klez' is spreading itself and not
sending empty messages :-)

To come to an end: I'd suggest updating the signature file and re-scan
your whole system again. Installing a second AV-software would be also
a good idea, in case there's a new variant of Klez around NAV has not
yet in the signature file.
http://www.free-av.com/ (which is _really_ slow over here)
the (faster) direct download links are:


Peter Palmreuther                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
(The Bat! v1.60c on Windows 2000 5.0 Build 2195 Service Pack 1)

Gone back into the darkness

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