
 Thu, 25 Apr 2002 21:35:22 +0530, Raj wrote:

R> Philippe,

R> On Tue, 23 Apr 2002, at 13:41:07 [GMT +0200] (which was 5:11 PM where I live) you
R> wrote:

PG>>  The  fact is that the message corresponding has been downloaded, ...
PG>>   and filtered correctly. Where is the problem ?

R> Are  there  multiple  instances of the same ?? Or is it just one unique entry ??
R> Is there a similar rule before this filter which does some other action ???

   No,  I  couldn't find any. And the fact is that this rule indicated
   as not found IS the one which had been used for filtering :

!23/04/2002, 12:15:21: FILTER - Could not start process for rule    Le 
fichier spécifié est introuvable
>23/04/2002, 12:15:21: FETCH - received message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (3651 bytes) 
>(processed by "", moved to "\\\Prestations\DDDDDD")   

  A bientôt,


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Philippe  Gouillou  -  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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