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Om 6:59 op zaterdag 27 april 2002, DJR:

well, i've tried to 'interpret' your request and have searched for the
messages are complaining about, but i can't seem to find any. haven't seen
blank subject-lines here for ages (did notice one with '(no subject)'

can't say about empty From: headers, but if Marck is correct about
messages leaving the list-server, you have to seek the problem somewhere

assuming you are referring to the From: kludge, not the one visible in the
preview pane of TB, right? because the organisation between parenthesis
there comes from the 'Organisation' kludge);

'<' and '>' are delimiters, used in the From: field to make it possible to
put a 'real name' there. See ftp://ftp.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2822.txt,
paragraph 3.6.2 and 3.4.

the parenthesis '(' and ')' are allowed in the subject kludge by RFC 2822.
(see same URL, paragraph 3.6.5 and 3.2.6).

> My automated mail sorter does not need "fixing", it's in shareware and
> has no modifications.

if your automated mail sorter does not understand parenthesis in the
subject-kludge, it needs fixing, no doubt about that. any US-ASCII
character is allowed there. the fact that it is shareware is no guarantee
that the author of it has overseen something...

> If I'm having problems, thousands of others are having the same problem.

i don't think that there are 'thousands' of people on this list. but i
might be wrong, of course... you are the first one complaining, though.

> The message was also sent to the list moderator who's job is to
> determine policy. This prevents self-centered, myopic individuals from
> turning the list into an unworkable chaos, with conflicting standards.

i suggest you read up on your RFC's (see www.rfc-editor.org for a nice
start), find some clear examples of RFC-violations and then complain to
the proper authority.

> Addressing a problem at the earliest date is a positive policy in
> itself.

that is of course correct. however, one should make certain first what the
problem is exactly before shoving suggestions onto unknowing individuals.

please reply to me personally if you wish to continue this discussion, not
on the list.


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