Good morning Marck,

 --->>> Marck D Pearlstone / Thursday, 30.04.2002, 20:44:30
        A problem using Opera at First Union Online -- I'm sorry ---

> ...
> Back to the lecture: every time I say this, someone takes exception
> to something I've said with comments like "'danger' is a bit harsh"
> or "I've used Folder templates for ages and it's never gone wrong
> for me".

I agree - I've done it all the time too and it never went wrong
(almost *gg*) ;-))

> BTW - another mistake in such templates is to use the construct
>       %TO="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" without a "%TO=''" before it. So any
>       pre-existing addresses are retained.

I don't get this point Mark. Do you mean you should not use the
%TO="[EMAIL PROTECTED]" Macro in your Templates? Could you please

> Here's a fact for you: it goes wrong. That's why I'm writing this
> message yet again.

Murphy's Law is always right!

best regards


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