Dear Melissa, 

 --->>> Melissa Reese / Donnerstag, 02.05.2002, 09:33:02
        S/MIME CA entries disappeared in AB

> However...

> After all this, I now open up my TB! address book and the
> "Intermediate" and "Root" CA "groups" that were always there before
> are no longer visible in my address book "groups tree" (even though
> in the "View" menu, I have "Certificate Databases" enabled). It
> doesn't make a difference if I have my S/MIME set to TB!'s internal
> or MS CryptoAPI.

> Where did the CA listings in my TB! address book go? How do I get them
> back?

Did you have a look at your AB Directory with your Explorer? There you
should find a .ABD File something like "RootCA.ABD". If it's there I
only can imagine that TB! wont show it in your AB as long as you have
switched to CryptoAPI.
I Figured out something similar while changing to CryptoAPI the
Certificate Card (found in the Contact properties) has being gone too.
Switching back to "Internal" brings my Certificate Card back too.

So I'm wondering if the disappearance of you CA-folder has to do with
the same thing.

best regards


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