Wednesday, May 1, 2002, 11:20:29 PM, Allie scribbled:

ACM> The same principle holds for an S/MIME certificate since it can be
ACM> used outside the scope of e-mail as well. I see you aren't interested
ACM> or have use for your S/MIME certificate outside e-mail. This is the
ACM> potential advantage that I was siting. One central point from where it
ACM> can be managed.

Ah, here is where we diverge. I use separate certificates for email
and ecommerce. While this may seem silly, the cryptographer in me
likes the separation. This way, if one is compromised, the other can
still be used.

ACM> But hey, the choice of where to manage your keys from is there (not
ACM> currently in the broken 1.60h) and that's what choice is for. Your
ACM> mileage may vary and your needs may be different. No problem there.



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