Hello all,

Up to now I had only used AB to include names and e-mail addresses.
Yesterday I decide to start using it to include some other details
like home or business addresses, phone numbers, etc., and I was
completely annoyed when I saw I could not copy/paste from an e-mail
(either in preview or view folder) into the Edit Address Entry dialog.
If the Edit Address Entry dialog is open you can switch to the view
folder view but can't highlight and copy anything and you can't even
switch to the preview pane. Annoying, don't you think?

You can't even use SmartBat as an "intermediary" for copy/paste. The
only way I've found is to first copy all contact details to an
external text editor and then proceed with copy/paste.

I don't know if this has been reported or dealt with in this list
before, I must admit I didn't even look in the archives.

I don't know too much about Windows programming (it's been 10 years
since I wrote my last line of code) but I think this is due to Edit
Address Entry dialog being modal/non-modal (I don't remember which is
which) and believe it should be something very simple to correct.

Just in case, I will ask the usual: "am I missing something?" And, "am
I the only one seeing this behaviour"?


Best regards,

Miguel A. Urech (El Escorial - Spain)
Using The Bat! v1.60c

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