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On Sat, 4 May 2002, at 08:53:00 -0500 Michael wrote:

MD> I can confirm this. I've tried reading a message originated from
MD> Outlook and TheBat! 1.60c. The implementations are mutually
MD> incompatible. So much so, that Outlook will not even recognize that
MD> the message from TB! was even signed. The behaviors are consistent
MD> with 1.53d, 1.60c, and 1.60h.

MD> This leaves the question, do we need to buckle under to MS to get
MD> S/MIME to work?

As I see things, we don't at all. We *already* have S/MIME even without

MD> If so, then I'll resume using PGP.

You don't need: I see your S/MIME signature and I can verify it and it
is valid here. PGP/GPG is also OK.

MD> Also, how old is this "new local standard"?

Have no idea. First time when I heard about it were those new weird Bat
versions {without ability to browse by the first letter of the name[s]
of the folders through accounts/folders (in account pane), I would add}.

Have a nice day anyway. :-)

- --
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