Monday, May 6, 2002, 1:19:32 PM, you wrote:

>> Maybe somebody else can come up with more creative way of capturing
>> your connection center activity. But the print screen method isn't
>> likely a good approach.

>> Good luck,

JA> I don't know about this... but I just got unusual behavior from my
JA> log views for each account.  If I open the log view from just after I
JA> have sent/received email, it displays just a short list.  If I then
JA> click on "Highlights Only" I see older stuff, but only things like the
JA> person's email address that sent/posted the email, or I sent to... If
JA> I then click on the "Highlights only" button again... I get a full
JA> details log back to the time I started TB!.  I don't know if this is
JA> just me/XP... or just a funny quirk.

Maybe it's an XP thing. I'm using a win2000 box and I haven't been
able to duplicate the action you describe. Mine works very
consistently as I toggle the "Highlights only" button.


 Ben                            mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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