Hey Dave,

My MUA believes you used The Bat! (v1.60c) Personal
to write the following on Friday, May 10, 2002 at 5:17:59 PM.

>> I further request that you add a raw SMTP\POP3 tool that can let me
>> get down-n-dirty with my mail server.

DG> Unless I'm missing something, there is no need for such a tool. Just
DG> use your browser like this: telnet://your_mail_server:25 for smtp or
DG> :110 for pop3, and you can have all the raw interaction you want.

Interesting, I never saw anyone do telnet://your_mail_server:25 from a browser
before...  I tried it and all it did is launch the native telnet
application (which is what I usually do).  Does it do something
different on your machine?  I used Win2k... (I tend to use Putty as
Mrten also indicated - *much* better than the native telnet).

I can't recall the RFC, but I made some notes ages ago on this.  Here
they are for any interested.  The RFC gives the available commands and
what the response codes indicate.

# Notes by Timothy L Musson 1998/11/04
# telnet to a machine that responds to smtp on port 25 
telnet smtp.domain.com 25 
# issue the HELO command to start. 
# issue the mail from command ([EMAIL PROTECTED] is what ever string you want) 
mail from:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
# issue the rcpt to command (this should be a valid address) 
# now the data command will allow you to do the rest.. 
# "Subject:the text you want on the subject line" on the first line for a subject... 
# other text here goes into the message body. 
# end the mail message with a . on a line by itself. 

MUA = TB! v1.60h (www.RitLabs.com/The_Bat)
Windows 2000 5.0.2195 (Service Pack 2)
In a world without walls and fences, who needs Windows and Gates?

Current Ver: 1.60i
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