I guess I mis-spoke a bit. What I meant to ask is that if it were
possible to have the filter simply delete the e-mail from the server,
not just strip the attachments.

Secondly, I know that I won't open attachments, but I can't say the
same for my co-workers. :-) I just want to be extra careful if
possible. So, if an e-mail has an attachment with "foo" extensions,
then I'd prefer TB not even download the message.

Here's the environment:
- Anti-Virus is installed and updated nightly.

 - There is no e-mail server other than the POP3 server that is part
 of a  shared domain server. In other words, I don't have access to
 configure sendmail, etc.

Michael T. Ashby

Tuesday, May 14, 2002, 11:28:39 AM, you wrote:

JA> On Tuesday, May 14, 2002, Michael T. Ashby wrote...

>> My questions are:

>> 1. Can this be done?

JA> Stripping  attachments  is  a  pain,  and  I'm not sure TB! can do it.
JA> Although  if  you  have  access  to the mail server, and it is running
JA> procmail, you could force it to mangle the extension, so it forces you
JA> to  save  the  file before you can open it... this will guarantee that
JA> your virus scanner (if installed) will read the file.

>> 2. If so, what recommended extensions should be excluded?

JA> TB!  isn't  at  risk from a lot of auto-executing code viruses such as
JA> Nimda,  Melissa, Klez etc as it doesn't support a lot of the HTML code
JA> that forces it to run. If you're worried about attachments, just don't
JA> open  it. You should know if it's a trusted source. Also bug your mail
JA> server  admin  see  if  they can get a good virus scanner installed on
JA> there  to  check  incoming mail. If it is a Unix type server, they may
JA> want  to  look  for  a program called MailScanner (GPL'd) which can be
JA> used with a majority of the common server virus scanners (I personally
JA> advise  Sophos).  If  all  that still makes you worried... install the
JA> latest  scanner  on  your  desktop  as  well,  and get it to check for
JA> updates daily.

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