At the risk of being AOLish, I follow up to my own message:

Allie, I think this is definitely a firewall problem, no question
about it.  But why, and why not both accounts, I have absolutely no
explanation for.

But, the darnedest thing has apparently fixed it . . . for now. We'll
see if it stays fixed or comes back.

I went to the ruleset for the second account.  It specifies the
application thebat.exe.  Now, when you write these rulesets, there is
a browse button to help you find the app, and also that sets the
entire path line in the specified application box for the ruleset.

I happened to notice that the entire path was missing, and only
thebat.exe was there.  Rebrowsing to TB, and getting the full path in
there, has for the moment resolved the problem.

But I remain completely suspicious.  Here's why:

First, it wasn't a problem sometimes.  Second, the primary account
also is missing the entire path line (only 'thebat.exe' is there),
and the primary account has never been unable to connect.  So, you
tell me what is going on.  <lol>


Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 6:20:42 PM, Yuki wrote:

YT> Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 9:13:01 AM, Allie wrote:

ACM>> Hash: SHA1

ACM>> Yuki Taga [YT] wrote:
ACM>> ...
YT>>> For some reason, I'm intermittently getting a failure to connect on
YT>>> the secondary account.  I never get it on the primary account (this
YT>>> one).

ACM>> ...

YT>>> Any ideas? (This is incredibly aggravating.)

ACM>> <cough> Erm.... first thing first. :-)

ACM>> Are you running a firewall?

YT> Sure.  But this is nothing new, and TB has always had rights to pass
YT> through, and still does.

YT> However, <cough> you have apparently found the problem.  The reason I
YT> say that is, turning off the firewall just now, stopped the bleeping
YT> beep, which had not been beeping all day until this fetch.  And
YT> turning the firewall back on again caused an immediate beep.

YT> This is not good.  The ruleset has never been altered.  And I never
YT> had this problem until the past few versions of TB.

YT> I just checked the ruleset.  It's fine, and unchanged.  I just moved
YT> the two TB rules (one for each account) to the very top of the rule
YT> list, meaning they get first priority over every other rule.

YT> Still the bleeping beep.

YT> Worse, we do not know why the bleeping beep doesn't always bleeping
YT> beep.  I can assure you that the firewall is up and running most of
YT> the time.  And I can disconnect from my ISP right now, and reconnect,
YT> all with the firewall running, and this bleeping beeping will stop
YT> for some period of time.  (Intermittent problem; the worst kind.)

YT> There are very brief periods of time, however, when I turn the
YT> firewall off.  It may be that turning it back on triggers this
YT> problem.

YT> But, this is still a new TB issue.  I've been running AtGuard all
YT> along, haven't changed a thing, and never, ever had this problem
YT> before.

YT> Best,

YT> Yuki                            


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