On 5/15/02 at 4:35 PM David Elliott wrote:

|Hash: SHA1
|Hail MikeM
|On 15 May 2002 at 11:09:55 -0400 (which was 16:09 where I live) MikeM
|wrote and made these points
|> No email client has all the features everyone wants or needs. Picking an
|> email client is a series of compromises according to the priorities of
|> situation.
|What do you feel are the good points of Calypso over The Bat!

Only one advantage that I see -- Calypso keeps all the messages and settings in a 
single file.  I need that for my mailing list usage.  Another thing I like about 
Calypso (though more minor) is that the message store is encrypted (albeit, not too 
strongly).  I haven't taken the time yet to see if TB! has a similar feature.

Other than that, they are rather similar in most resects that matter to me; with the 
significant exception that TB! is a living growing product.  Calypso has been orphaned.

Having said that, I'll be moving my email usage from Outlook '97 and Calypso to TB! 
over the next few weeks (except for this mailing list account, which has to stay in 
Calypso due to the single file thing).

I do like what I've seen in TB! during my eval period.  And I hope to discover more 
"good stuff" as I explore.

(somewhat on-topic, so I didn't move to the OT list)

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