On Wednesday, May 15, 2002, 8:39:41 PM, Jonathan Angliss wrote:

JA> You mean as a long single line unwrapped?

    Yes, one single line unwrapped. Exactly.

JA> Or just weird wrapping, like a few
JA> words on the following line?

    No, the above, where it just is one line.

JA> I have noticed from some lists that OE has a
JA> habbit every now and again of not putting in \r\n tags to force line breaks, it
JA> ends up as one long line.

    Right, it's actually from OE users that I notice this. I wonder
    does it even happen to them as well when they reply to other OE
    messages? or does OE somehow figure it out for them?

JA> But TB! can view this, as it wraps to fit the screen
JA> if no wrapping is pressent.  When you go to reply, you don't get the wrapping
JA> sorted.

    Is there a way to "reply wrapped" to ensure it wraps correctly?





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like I am now."
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