Replying to your message of Tuesday, June 11, 2002, 7:12:15 AM:

WC> Can people elaborate and help me make this decision?


I can help you with this but it wouldn't be using NOD or AVG.  We have a
solution that will work seamlessly with TB! or any other email client.
Your email will be scanned coming in and going out....on the fly.  Viruses
coming in will be stopped at the Winsock layer and will not have a chance
to get near your inbox.  You will also be able to control spam from it by
blocking certain words, phrases, email addresses or whole domains.

Out of the box, any extension such as .exe, .pif, scr, .com and a few
others will automatically be blocked.  These of course can be altered if
you feel the need to email files of these extensions (another topic).

List members: please note that I am not doing this as a shameless plug. This is my
business just as TB! is some of yours.  People need to be made aware that
there are better solutions than just the ones they are familiar with.

If you would like to know more, contact me privately please.



 Tuesday, June 11, 2002
 8:23:49 AM   

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