Hello tbudl,

    Allow me to sum it all up and offer the obvious solution. Lots of
    people don't want it. Lots do. Some have spoken about being able
    to click individual images and accept or deny them. From both the
    marketing standpoint, as well as that of an end-user and long-time
    computer junkie, might I simply suggest that the capability for
    FULL HTML be available as an option for those customers wishing to
    have an alternative to Outlook or Incredimail, but not making it
    either default or mandatory? In other words, "Hey customers,
    here's your copy of The Bat! If you really want to have full html,
    flip this switch here. We do, however stand behind the innate
    security of The Bat! if you don't. Use at your own risk."

    To which I would say, "Friggin cool!" and would turn it on for a
    few accounts that are geared towards that sort of mail, but leave
    it off for most of my accounts.

    By the by, I tend to support software and organizations that do a
    good job and keep me running happy for years on end, and I can't
    count the number of people I've gotten hooked on The Bat! over the
    years, so it's only fair I reciprocate a bit. If you're looking
    for a quality email service, one which I am a paid user of and can
    share my own experience of getting good service with, allow me to
    suggest fastmail.fm. Great service, low price including free
    accounts), and no, they don't pay me to say that. :) I'm just a
    pleased customer sharing a good service with other email

    Oh yeah, and Opera is the best browser! :)

Best regards,

   Kurgan                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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