On Friday, June 21, 2002, 8:28 AM, you wrote:

TM> Hey Paul,

PC>> I did a search and didn't find a .his file in my TB folders,

TM> There should be \The Bat!\MAIL\history.his
TM> and (one each)  \The Bat!\MAIL\'YourAccount\account.his
TM> I don't know which one is used for this (they both seem to have
TM> address history information)...

and of course, now when I try to creat a new message IT WORKS.

PC>> and I couldn't find the link on the ritlabs page to report a bug.

TM> It is in the footer of each TBUDL message. <g> see below (last line I
TM> believe).

um, well I went to that page, logged in anonymously, but the font is
unreadable ( language?)using Opera 6.03:

RITLabs Bugtracking System - The Bat

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21 Jun 2002 07:37 CDT

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/ Paul
Using The Bat! v1.60q on Windows XP
5.1 Build 2600

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