Subject: Newsreader
   From: Miguel Urech

Hello Miguel,

> As you may already know, I use TB for newsgroups... and with multiple
> servers. Yes, with the aid of the News-to-Mail and Mail-to-News
> routers of MailTraq's free version.

Let me offer up some kudos to Miguel for this.  I've been wanting some
kind of solution such as this for a long time.  I followed his little
tutorial for setting it up he posted awhile back and it has been a
wonderful way to access newsgroups.  Being able to use TB! to read and
post has made it an almost seamless marriage of e-mail and usenet.

While it's not useful for just browsing around, if you have any
specific newsgroups you're "subscribed" to it is a fantastic solution
and one I can highly recommend.

ò¸ó Nick

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