On Friday, June 21, 2002, Melissa Reese wrote...

> Hello Jonathan,

> It seems that Mike, like me, prefers to offer his PGP key via a key
> request/email response - rather than upload it to the keyservers.

> It's not, as you put it, his "signature" you're requesting when you
> click on his mailto and send the request email; it's his key.  Once
> you have his key, you can verify his signature.

I know that... but go back and read his post again... and he has put
his PGP signature *below* that email request link, even though he has
the email request filter setup.  Just thought that was a little odd...
but that could just be me ;)

| PGP Key mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=key_request
| Version: 2.6

Jonathan Angliss

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