Please forgive me but I am unable to receive messages from the list
(apparently regardless of my email client) and as such cannot respond to
those that responded to my earlier post. Unfortunately I am forced to
have somewhat of a one way conversation. I have unsubscribed and
re-subscribed to the TBUDL twice and am still not receiving any messages
from it. I only see what appears in the archives

Still cannot send any mail from TB! but can do so with OE and Becky. I
have checked my Account settings, I have uninstalled and re-installed
twice and I have installed a backup version of 1.60q. Still nothing
works ; (.

Januk indicated: " The more common problem was that most SMTP servers
would reject mail being sent through them unless the FROM and/or REPLY-TO
addresses matched yourISP address.  So for example, if you had an account,
then you couldn't send through their server with the address

As far as I can tell my FROM 7 REPLY TO are the same, however I was
messing around ( a couple of weeks ago) with a template for the AVG
plugin...don't know if this has anything to do with it but when I was
sending test messages I would receive an error message indicating that
the message was undeliverable but in the error it had changed my [sender] email

I have since un-installed the AVG thinking that somehow the template my
be messing things up, but unfortunately this did not work either.

Anything you have would be very much appreciated.


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