Subject: Not Have Subject Auto-Complete
   From: Marcus Ohlström

Hello Marcus,

>> The problem comes when you want to type a shorter subject. For
>> example, if I send a message with subject "Test number 2" and later I
>> want to send one with subject "Test", it is quite likely the it will
>> go out with "Test number 2" also. It's happened to me several times.

> I agree that it can be annoying but you know you can hit the delete
> button, don't you? Maybe not a solution but at least a workaround.

One spot where that won't even work is with letter case.  Say I shoot
off a quick note to my home address and put "reminder" as the subject.
Later I'm sending a note to my boss and want to type "Reminder". Auto
correct changes it to "reminder" and it a PITA to override.

ò¸ó Nick

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