Chris Weaven wrote on Friday, June 28, 2002, at 18:13 GMT +0100 (Friday, June 28, 2002 
at 18:13 where I live):

CW> Right, I've been thinking about exactly what I'd like to see in my
CW> attribution line and was wondering if anyone could help, hint hint Januk :-)
CW> So, this is what I'd like (in an ideal world):
CW> "On 'Day Date Month Year', which was 'Day Date Time' for me if you were
CW> interested, 'First Last [Initials]' wrote the following;
CW> As for formatting, I'd like;
CW> Day - Whole day rather than abbreviation, e.g. Thursday rather than Thur
CW> Date - Double digit rather than single, e.g. 07 rather than 7
CW> Month - Whole month rather than abbreviation, e.g. November rather than Nov
CW> Year - Whole year rather than abbreviation, e.g. 2002 rather than 02
CW> Time - Whole time rather than abbreviation, e.g. 08:17 rather than 8:17 AM
CW> I know I'm demanding, but there's more ;-)
CW> "which was 'Day Date Time' for me if you were interested"
CW> From the above quoted sentence, I'd like to only include Day and Date if it
CW> differs from that of the senders. This would be down to the difference in
CW> time zones. Therefore, if the time zone takes it over to a different date,
CW> to include the day and date, but if the day remains the same, just to have
CW> the time.
CW> "'First Last [Initials]' wrote the following"
CW> From this sentence, I'd only like to see the last name if it's 'valid' or
CW> 'differs' from the first name (not sure exactly how this would work, but I'm
CW> sure someone out there does!?). The same again for the initials. I'd only
CW> like to see this if the users e-mail client accepts it (I've got the quick
CW> template that puts them in if the client allows it from the archives).
CW> I hope someone can help, as I'd really like to have this on my mails.
Please help me :-(

Should I try this on the TBTech lish?

If so, how do I sign up?



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