Hallo Jon,

On Sun, 30 Jun 2002 14:51:44 +0100GMT (30-6-02, 15:51 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

TF>> Try HKCU / Software / RIT / The Bat! / Folder Header. There are 4
TF>> keys, but I have only 3 headers (Folder, Unread, Total), so I

JL> I don't have anything called Folder Header there.

Look closer, don't look for a folder called Header, but for keys
Folder Header #1
Folder Header #2
Folder Header #3
Folder Header #4

They are what you're looking for. #4 has no function, #1 is 96
hexadecimal on my system (150 decimal), #2 & #3 are 32 hex on my
system (50 decimal), change them with TB shut down.

Groetjes, Roelof

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