Howdy TheBatUsers,

  All of my mailing list messages are filtered into individual common
  folders. I want to edit the reply template for responding to list
  messages. I don't have any reply templates defined yet, either for
  the folder or in the address book for the list address. Where are
  the default templates defined for common folders?

  Reading over the FAQ, I see that custom templates can be defined for
  address groups. Right now, I have a separate address book for my
  mailing list addresses. These are not in a group. It doesn't appear
  that templates can be defined for an address book, just groups,
  correct? So, would it make more sense to move my mailing list
  addresses into a group under an address book? For the moment, I want
  to use the same reply template for all mailing list addresses.


Chris Montgomery

Current Ver: 1.60q
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Unsubscribe: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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TBTech List: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
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