Hallo Andy,

On Fri, 12 Jul 2002 22:51:07 +0100GMT (12-7-02, 23:51 +0200GMT, where
I live), you wrote:

AM> Is it possible to create a shortcut with a command line parameter
AM> to log on a particular user in a multi-user environment when
AM> starting TB! ?

Yes, it is. Use the /focus parameter.
>From the help:

The /FOCUS command allows you to automatically focus a specified folder in the main 
window. This command is especially useful at the program's startup. The syntax of the 
/FOCUS command is:


Acceptable parameters are (a parameter may be identified by two or more names):

USER=value or U=value value is the name of the source account. If no
FOLDER parameter is specified, the target folder will be the Inbox of
the given account.

PASSWORD=value or P=value value is the password which will unlock the
account if it is needed.

FOLDER=value or F=value value is the target folder's pathname. If the
pathname does not include an account name, The Bat! will search all
accounts for a folder with a matching name; the first folder found
will be used as the target folder. If the specified folder is not
found, the Inbox folder of the target account is used.

Examples of the /FOCUS command:

/FOCUSU="My account 1";F="Friends\Sam"
/FocusF="\\MyAccount\New mail";P=mypass

BTW Would it be possible for you to set your wrapping specs a bit
shorter? Even when I maximize your message the lines get truncated
rather unpleasantly.

Groetjes, Roelof

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