Hi Lynn,
On Sat, 13 Jul 2002 19:49:55 -0700, you wrote:

> JA> Most or .kr and those kind of areas? ;)
> The ones I'm actually trying to block this way are forged
> 'froms' .. EU and Asia, mostly, according to the whois
> servers.

I get a whole load from the Asia area, Korea in particular.  I've started
nailling the company mail server down now as I get fed up of dealing with about
20 spam emails every morning, and about 30 or so during the day.  As we only
deal with mainly US customers (some US overseas lands too), I started dropping a
lot of unwanted sites.

> So if it wasn't preloaded, will it work with CR
> separations? lol!

I actually have no idea on how the format works on it, but I'm guessing it reads
it on CR/LF, but I guess that is up to the experts to answer ;)

> There isn't a lot of it about, but complaints may cause
> more of it, and I'm a tinkerer by nature :-)

Understood.  I half wonder what my old UK isp has done.  People have been
emailing me, and I've not been getting them, but I have been getting all the
spam sent to me... it's almost like they reversed the rbls ;)

> I should ask this in a separate mail, I suppose, but is
> there any way I can copy a set of filters from this
> machine over to another, or do I have to rebuild the whole
> set? It's kind of time consuming ...

Open notepad, select filter you want to copy, press CTRL C, go back to notepad,
press CTRL V... save into a location you can get to on the other machine (like
floppy disk), open on other machine, copy (CTRL C), open filter dialog, CTRL
V... tada... filter appears.  Of course, there may be a quicker way, for example
the backup facility may allow you to backup just the filters, in which case, you
can use that.  But I cannot check right here, I'm awaiting a windows machine to
play with ;)

Jonathan Angliss

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