Hello Julian,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 16:24:31 +0100 GMT (18/07/02, 22:24 +0700 GMT),
Julian Beach (Lists) wrote:

JBL> Whoops! I fell asleep at the keyboard

You must be a programmer then. As such, you should know that sleep is
a poor substitue for cafeine.

JBL> and managed to send an email when my fingers slid down the keys!
JBL> I knew I had sent something, but could not find it until it
JBL> appeared here!

Back to <serious mode>, what could you have done if you had found out
which message it was?

I am asking because I once heard that they chased and killed a virus
by sending an antidote virus after it, and it went to the recipients
of that virus, deleted the virus-containing message from Outlook, and
then the antidote used the same method as the virus to propagate
itself and finally caught up with it. Sounds like an urban legend to
me, but who knows what is possible these days...



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