Hello Avram,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 14:17:26 -0500 GMT (19/07/02, 02:17 +0700 GMT),

Acc> Without rekeying the entire response, the gist regarding reply formats is that
Acc> since "top replies" are the norm at my office and I had not used TBUDL all that
Acc> much until very recently, I had forgotten the rule about not using "top replies"
Acc> and apologized for not following TB protocol.

Thanks, I appreciate your effort. Please note that we had a lengthy
disucssion about top-quotes here only recently, and it is generally
agreed that inline-quoting makes more sense on a list like this
(that's the reason for the rule), while I agree with you that in
*some* business environments, full quotes at the bottom may make

Acc> More to the point, at the office, we use Lotus Notes, and, as far
Acc> as I know there is no protocol for automatically inserting quote
Acc> marks, carrets, or any other symbol before lines of "old text" in
Acc> a reply.

A reason to change to a better email program?

Acc> Thus, in order to respond in the format preferred by The Bat's
Acc> UDL rules, one has to go through the tedious task of inserting a
Acc> carret before each line of old text. However, one solution is for
Acc> me to use a different color "pen" as I am doing in this sentence.
Acc> However, I am not sure that all recipients would see this
Acc> formatting.

No, I don't see your colours. Do you have the possibility of using TB
for this list and Lotus Notes for office mail? (Assuming that for some
reason you cannot use TB for office mail.)

Acc> As for the substantive part of the message:

>>> what if the laptop user downloads a second time before the desktop
>>> user has a chance to download

>>Nothing. Each user will only download once.

Acc> But I only want mail to be stored on one computer...the desktop.  Hard drive
Acc> real estate on the laptop is more precious and I don't want to store mail on it.

I see. Your situation is slightly different from what I thought.

>>There is a mechanism to ensure this. Already received messages are

Acc> Even if downloaded by a different computer on the network?

No, only messages that are received by *this* computer are not
downloaded again onto *this* computer.

>>Set both systems to keep on server for 2 days and it will all tick along very
Acc> nicely
>>(unless one of the systems misses a mail fetch for more than two days)

Acc> This is likely.  The desktop will download daily or every two days.  The laptop
Acc> may go for 1-10 days before it's used to read mail.

If your laptop connects to the LAN, you might want to store the mail
on a network drive, as someone else has suggested. Otherwise, if your
laptop is mobile and you need to connect via the internet, this sounds
like a case for IMAP to me.

>>1) Configure TB in client / server mode. This is not a very well known
>>   or practiced configuration but is *is* in the help file.

Acc> Please explain what it means to "configure TB in client/server mode.  Thanks.

Help / Topics / Server / The Bat! Networking Course

Acc> 2) Configure TB to use a shared path on the network as the root for
Acc>    the MAIL folder and work on the same real files.

Acc> How does one configure TB to use a shared path on the network?

I would think you just point to it under Account / Properties / Files
& Directories.



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