Hello Blarp,

On Thu, 18 Jul 2002 18:30:25 -0700 GMT (19/07/02, 08:30 +0700 GMT),
Blarp wrote:

B> Does anyone else have a problem with TB and sending large file
B> attachments? After 400k or so of a 4mb file, my dialup connection goes
B> totally and completely dead. It doesn't hang up but I can't ping my
B> provider or do anything.

No such problem here. BTW I read somewhere that the SMTP protocol was
made for files of no more than 1 MB. For larger files there is always
FTP; in one case I put such a file on my website, so the recipient
(who didn't know FTP) could download it from there. (Please don't send
me emails with attachments that large.)

But there is a solution for you: TB has the capability of internally
splitting large messages into smaller chunks (for example 16k or 100k
per partial message) which will be reassembled at destination by the
recipient's email client. This was tested with TB and OL/OE as
recipient clients and it worked.

However, I cannot find the option now, where is it?



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

A duck walks into a drugstore and ask the clerk for Chapstick. The
clerk puts the Chapstick on the counter and says, "That will be $2."
The duck replies, "Just put it on my bill."

(true story)

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