Monday, July 22, 2002, 8:11:39 AM, you wrote:

JA> Yes... I think you're making a long AND query... so ALL the
JA> addresses
JA> would have to be listed.  Move all but the first one to the
JA> alternatives page, and try running the filter again.

I did that - moved all but the first address to the
alternatives tab, by hitting 'add set' for each ... if I
do that, it'll make the rule 'or'? Or should I have hit
alt-ins ... ?

At any rate, I fixed one of the smaller filters this way,
and after I closed it a couple of them came in, not
filtered ...

Another thing - how can I add just the isp name to the
filter? I get several mails a day from same domain, all
with different prefixes and subjects .. would be nice to
be able to add to the list somehow. I've
tried that a couple of ways, but ....

thanks again ..


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