Hello Bernd,

> Running an IMAP server on your local server is a cool idea, but you
> will probably want to read your email from your ISP's (POP3) mail
> account.


> Short of changing your ISP's mail technology,

Oh well, maybe... ;-)

> you might run your own IMAP server, but you'd still need something
> that fetches mail from your POP3 account and pushes it into your
> IMAP server. I'm certain there are tools available for this,

AFAIK my server application (which is still beta) actually already is
or then definitely will be able to do that.

> I somehow think your server runs Linux?

Sort of, yes: www.eisfair.org

> The reason for mentioning TB! V2 is that the current IMAP support in
> TB! is limited to using IMAP as an alternative transport protocol,
> alternative to POP3. Meaning, TB! connects to an IMAP server,
> ignores all the nice ideas about server-side mail folders, and
> downloads the messages to local folders.

Having read your explanation below then this present IMAP-"support" of
TB! is useless. At least they have the name in there; that's a
start... ;-)

> "Proper IMAP support" means server-side folders. One can have
> multiple clients open and they are synchronized automatically; a
> message that is deleted in client 1 will disappear in client 2, a
> message written and saved as draft will appear in all other open
> clients, etc.

That is exactly what I am looking for. Who/what would synchronize
the clients - that could actually only be the IMAP-server? I haven't
really understood the technical side so far but: I do need
IMAP(v2)-support in TB! for using it the way described even with
having an IMAP-application running on my server, is that correct? If
so, well, then I got to be patient, maybe a beta is going to be
available soon, haven't heard anything lately, though.

Thanks for you explanation! IDH (it did help ;-) )


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