On Fri, 2002-07-26 at 19:30, Marck D Pearlstone wrote:
> JA> ... Now repeat the process, but before sending, stick it in the
> JA> draft folder, reopen, and send, and it doesn't sign it... any idea
> JA> why?
> Yes. The "SignComplete" and "UsePGP" flag settings reset to the
> account default values when reopening a draft message. This happens in
> reverse when the account is set for signing by default and an unsigned
> message is saved as draft and subsequently reopened.

Wouldn't you class that as a bug though?  Or is that one of those
"undocumented features"?  Personally I find it rather annoying, there is
a reason I set it in certain templates to sign, and in others, to leave
it unsigned... having to remember to resign it after storing it as a
draft is a pain, especially when you get several hundred emails a day,
without counting the work load as well ;)

Jonathan Angliss

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