Dear St, 

 --->>> St - Musaic.Net / Mittwoch, 31.07.2002, 11:14:56
        Moving all Filters

>> Is there a simple and reliable way in moving all the Filters of one
>> Account to an other in 'one' shot?

>   Copy one rule after the other into Notepad - when finished, Select
>   All in Notepad and Copy, then go back to TB and paste the rules into
>   where you want them.

Good Idea! But needs some manual work.

 --->>> Sergey Uvarov / Mittwoch, 31.07.2002, 11:58:08
        Even more simple :-)

> just copy file named account.srx from one account to another. But!
> it will eraze all filters in target account :-).

But that sound better.

> After you should rename all source and target folders.

No need ;-)

I now did it that way:
   - Created first new Account
   - Moved the folders to the new Account
   - Closed TB!
   - Copy 'account.srx' from old to now Account
   - Restart TB!  -- here it is.

Note I  : as I have moved the Folders from the old Account to the new
          one TB!'s Filter tool adjusted the path. After copying
          the.srx File TB! recognized he is in an other Account and
          striped the account name that was first part of the Filter.
Note II : even if you're not moving the folders from the old Account
          to the new one 'and' you want to use the Filters from old
          account, create equal folder Structure as in the old
          Account. 'Then' you can copy the '.srx' file to the new
          Account folder.
          If your Folder Structure must be adjusted you can now do so
          and the filter System will adjust the folder path for you.

Thanks for your help :-)

best regards


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