Hello Brook,

Sunday, August 11, 2002, 6:24:44 PM, you wrote:

BH> Will it ever happen? I've been using linux for many years and the only windows 
BH> box I have collects more and more dust. I have paid for the bat but it bairly 
BH> gets any use anymore.

As  I  try  now  to  switch  to  a Linux/UNIX platform, I give my full
support  to  your  request.  I  am just not sure whether The Bat! team
would  make  such a step and distribute their program on a non-payment
basis. It seems The Bat! helps these guys make their living. But... as
for  me (and I am sure not everyone would share my view on that), if I
paid  for  the  Windows  version, I would be as willing to pay for the
Linux/UNIX version as well, should there be a need for that.

Robert                          mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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