Hello Julian,

On Fri, 16 Aug 2002 00:47:30 +0100 GMT (16/08/02, 06:47 +0700 GMT),
Julian Beach (Lists) wrote:

JBL> In the sorting office, when you set up your filter, did you go to the
JBL> Options tab, and select "Regular Expressions"? Filters do not use
JBL> Regular Expressions by default.

He is not using any regular expressions. Why should he activate this?

JBL> You will also have to escape with a backslash the @ and . in your
JBL> email address (so they become \@ and \.

But if he doesn't activate RegEx, he doesn't need to escape these
characters. I see no reason to use RegExes for such a simple query.


What you have done is use the "|" character for OR.
NOT (FirstAdd OR SecondAdd) = NOT FirstAdd AND NOT SecondAdd.
The logic is correct, but somehow it doesn't work.

Try this:
On the Rules tab (not alternatives tab), create both conditions
seperately. (You do this by hitting the Add button.)

You get:
FirstAdd - presence in kludges - no
SecondAdd - presence in kludges - no.

They will be AND'ed. From a Boolean POV, it is the same as you did, but
maybe for some other reason (Murphy?), it could work. Let us know.



Moderator der deutschen The Bat! Beginner Liste.

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