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Hi Dierk,

@17-Aug-2002, 19:33 +0200 (18:33 UK time) Dierk Haasis [DH] in

DH>    I haven't been to the FAQ for some time, and visited them today
DH>   (I was looking for the rogues gallery which should get a current
DH>   photo of me (more on this on private mail).

Good - anyone else want to update theirs? Feel free!

DH>   I was  positively surprised - although you still strongly advise
DH>   (too  strong I might add), the page works with Opera 6.05
DH>   seamlessly  as it should.

The rogues gallery is plain vanilla HTML They'll work with any
browser. It's just the main "How to" pages that won't work on Opera,
as will all the ancillary essay (Macros, templates, etc.) pages and
the new Library page. I'll be uploading Mozilla compatible versions
soon - hopefully this week. They do work on Mozilla as they stand but
will soon work with Mozilla's DOM implementation. As for Opera... I
doubt that they'll ever work with it :-(.

DH>    *I think it is on purpose, not to close out Netscape, Lynx and
DH>    Opera users but to bolster up their statistics.

Not really. Opera is the least compatible or useful browser of all of
those I have tried to write compatible code for*. It is inconsistent
and infuriating (from a developer's viewpoint). Mozilla is a far more
stable and compliant browser in all respects from my POV (although
even it is quirky and only IE has the all round compliance and
stability). I had an Opera code guru try to help me sort out why it
was giving me so much trouble and even they were unable to improve
things for me. It's a shame, because the theory is good. I am
surprised that anyone would accept the kind of poor performance I
experienced from it every time I ran it up. All I hear by way of
excuse is "at least it's not MS". <sigh>. Talk about babies and

*and I spent quite some time trying.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
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