Has anyone noticed or heard about The Bat! causing strange activity
with the HDD when deleting messages? The client locks up for about 10
to 20 secs while the HDD is accessed per message being deleted - then
it will delete a bunch of messages at once and then lock up again
(because I mistakenly mash the delete key - thinking it will just
delete the messages).
I can perform other functions
within The Bat! client like reading mails and I can use other programs
without any trouble. It's just the client will delete the messages
very slowly / erratically and chew away at the drive. I can't figure out what might
be causing this but I have narrowed it down to The Bat! client.

AMD 1.2 Duron
512 ram
XP Pro
Dual Maxtor 40gb 7200 drives with no problems or errors.

Thanks in advance.


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 Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information: 

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