Hi Alaeddin.

At 9:25 AM on Monday, August 26, 2002 you [AM]
wrote the following about '"Automatically mark all
as read in a folder once viewed" option':

JR>>   I don't believe so but you could assign a key
JR>>   combo to do for you via key assignments <ALT
JR>>   F-12>. See the main menu -> Folder -> Mark All
JR>>   Msgs Read command.

AM> I could not find key assignment in the help
AM> menu. Could you please tell me how to get to
AM> that option? I'd like to do the same as ben.

  I think if you use the <ALT><F12> keys
  simultaneously, you will see a dialogue come up
  that allows you to assign key combinations to
  various commands. The read all msgs in folder
  command is under the Menu -> Folder group. It
  should work but if I'm wrong, someone will come
  right along & correct me.


Jan Rifkinson
Ridgefield, CT USA
TB! V1.61/W2K_SP3
ICQ 41116329

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