Hello Gerard

On Friday, September 20, 2002, you wrote

> Hi ETM,
>    There are basically two possibilities:
>    1- The attachement is damaged and the internal viewer repors the
>    error and will not show anything of the picture
>    2- The format of this JPG is supported by the external but not the
>    internal viewer.

>    Since I don't know much about the internal viewer implementation I
>    would think it is the latter. Have you checked with any of the
>    recipients if they could view the picture?

I am waiting until daylight for them to try to open it <smile>.
I received the attached copy of a US census page and it arrived
without a file extension (normal for the sender who is not too
adept at graphic/mail processing).  Her attachments always accept
a .jpg extension and open for me after saving to my desktop.  I
can then mail them to others from that position.  This is the
first time in a check of the sent email that this has occurred.
QuickViewPlus accepts the item without a file extension and can
view it.  I just tested it by saving it from the QV+ view as a
.jpg and it opened in Opera without a problem.  However, when I
attempted again to send that jpg with an email the error again
comes up.  The thumbprint view is good, the size is 212 KB, it
doesn't make much sense, since it has never occurred before.  I
am open to all suggestions.  This is a major genealogy find for
the family and I would like to share some happiness <smile>.


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