Hallo Terry,

On Thu, 3 Oct 2002 18:20:02 -0400GMT (4-10-02, 0:20 +0200GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

TF> For some reason my sent messages aren't being saved to the Sent
TF> Mail folder.

Do you get an error message when TB fails to safe a sent message or
does it operate like nothing's amiss.
When you're not getting an error message it could be a filter that you
installed by accident that deletes sent messages or saves them to
another folder. Check in your sorting office whether you've got an
'Outgoing mail' filter running that's triggered by all outgoing messages
in stead of the selection you've intended.
Whether you're getting an error message or not, it could be a corrupt
messages.tbi file in the directory corresponding with 'Sent Mail',
close TB (as in shut it down completely), delete the messages.tbi in
'Sent Messages' and start TB. If this was the problem, the messages
were saved after all and you'll see them now.
The second option that could occur whether you're getting an error
message or not, it could be a corrupt messages.tbb file in the
directory corresponding with 'Sent Mail', create a new folder, move
all messages from 'Sent Mail' to that new foldrer, close TB (as in
shut it down completely), move the messages.tbb from 'Sent Messages'
to another place for later inspection and start TB. Now the problem
should be solved the next time you send a message. You could move your
old 'Sent Mail' messages back to 'Sent Mail'.
The last possibility I can think of without apart from any bugs in TB
is that you made the messages.tbi or the messages.tbb read-only, since
you're running Win2000 it's even possible that you're logged on as a
user without file-writing rights in that directory. However I'd
suspect that you'd get an error message in this case. The way to solve
this is to restore writing rights for TB on either the files or the

In case you've solved the problem by deleting the messages.tbi or
messages.tbb files, it would be wise to run scandisk on your drive.

How often do you compress your messagebase? Do you ever defrag the
drive where TB stores it's messages?

Groetjes, Roelof

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