Hallo Alexander,

On Sat, 5 Oct 2002 15:41:39 +0600GMT (5-10-02, 11:41 +0200GMT, where I
live), you wrote:

AAG> Something bad happned, so that The Bat dont' want to show
AAG> messages (except parked) in Inbox folder....

Might be because you ran a filter that deleted all messages in the
inbox or deleted them yourself by accident. Parked messages are
ignored when you or your filters start deleting.

AAG> But messages.tbb do contains much MORE messages...

Deleted messages stay in the messages.tbb until you compress it,
they're only marked deleted in the messages.tbi. So let's hope that
you don't compress your inbox on exit, because that would mean you'd
lose them as soon as you exit TB. (Under normal circumstances it's a
very sensible option to have activated, since your messagebase gets
real big when you never compress.)
You could try to undelete them. There are two ways to handle this.
1) Select your inbox and pick from the menu: folder - browse deleted msgs
   Now you can view the deleted messages in your inbox and undelete
   them by pressing the <Delete> key.
2) Shut down TB, go to the directory matching your inbox, delete the
   messages.tbi (since that's the file that stores which messages are
   deleted) and restart TB. When you select your inbox, TB will
   automatically create a new messages.tbi. Therefore it'll mark no
   messages as deleted, nor as read or parked.
AAG> Any advices would be very appreciable !!!

Well actually I've got two more pieces of advice and since your asking
for it. ;-)
I read your replies to the messages of Alexander and Miguel and
because of those I decided to reply to your original message and not
to your reply to one of them. Your habit of top posting (or bottom
quoting like other call it) makes it very hard to follow their
meaning. You give your answer and below your answer you quote the
entire message that you're replying to, leaving it up to the recipient
to find out what part of the original message you're replying to. In a
one on one e-mail conversation this can be done (even though lots of
people don't like that), because your correspondent probably still
knows what he wrote to you. But on a list like this with several
hundreds of subscribers most recipients will need to spell out the
full message to find what you mean.
Whereas the preferred style of quoting on this (and other lists) is to
quote interspersed. Like this answer of mine. Every remark from you
is addressed on it's own right and you'll immediately see what caused
me to say it. Your remarks that I don't react on, are skipped in my
answer. That brings me directly to the second disadvantage of your
quoting style. It quotes everything and so causes unnecessary flow,
since lots of subscribers to this list collect their mail via dial-up
connections, you're generating extra costs for them by causing them to
download a text that isn't relevant and already in their possession.

The second piece of advice is:
Use a signature delimiter (dash, dash, space, enter) just above your
signature. That means that somebody quoting your message with TB (or
lots of other good mua's) will skip your signature (and the
automatically inserted list footer beneath it) in their reply

Please don't take this advice as a personal attack, but accept it as a
well meant advice that could be profitable to you and your


What's that, a radio call sign?

AAG> 2:5012/18.2

Oh, a point under Dmitry Vodennikov?
What I said about quoting styles was learned on fidonet during the
days modems were a lot slower than nowadays.

Groetjes, Roelof

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