I asked,
>>So, what does a plug-in do that my setup doesn't
>> already accomplish?

To which Jonathan Angliss <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> replied:

>Yes your mail is being scanned, but that is because it is
>being written to a temporary file first, and your virus scanner is set
>to scan for disk read/writes.  If you were to do it via a plugin, the
>method of scanning would be while the message is being put into the
>stream inside TB and would result in no disk writing until the scan is
>complete.  If a virus is found, then it follows the settings in your

Thanks, again.  Your explanation this time, was much more clear.   Given my
setup, is there any reason (in terms of catching viruses from incoming messages)
why it would be advantageous for me to move to AV software, such as AVG, or some
of the others mentioned on this list that have plug-ins for The Bat?   Any
reason to just let well enough alone?

[There might be other reasons for me to switch, e.g., I can't get eZTrust to
automatically download using Windows scheduler--but that is an issue for another

Avram Sacks
using The Bat ver. 1.61 on Windows XP home

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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