Hello Carren and Batmans,

On Tuesday, October 15, 2002 Carren wrote:

> On Tuesday, 15 October 2002 at 5:34 p.m. Alexander wrote: 

AAG>> Well, thank You for You Ali and other guys for taking time to
AAG>> write answers. Yes, I guess everybody knows about PGPtray hotkeys
AAG>> BUT it CAN"T be compared with suitability of plug-in work.
AAG>> Especially when reading PGPed mail 20-30 messages per day.

> Sorry, but I have to disagree. I use PGP 6.5.8ckt version, and tried
> the plugin for some time. In the end I went back to the using the tray
> as it was just as quick and was what I was used to. The difference in
> time it takes to carry out any operation using either the plugin or
> the tray/hotkeys is negligible in my opinion.

Well, it's Your opinion. OK, would You advice, can Your PGPtray
approach be adjusted so that while Encrypting messages PGP
automatically takes the public key of recipients ? Would You ?

Or i must every time look at window with PGP keys and select ones ?

Regards, Your sincerely registered
3AHO3A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]|2:5012/18.2>

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