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On Tuesday, October 15, 2002, Anne wrote...

> The only annoyance I've found in the new version 1.61 of The Bat! is
> the message box which appears if you try to close the program whilst
> a job is in progress. Earlier versions had a Cancel option which
> could be used when, for instance, if the program is checking for new
> mail on a mail server but my PC had been booted offline before the
> job had completed. Sometimes I don't want to go back online just
> then and decide to leave the mail checking until later. When I try
> and close the program this message comes up, "Some tasks are now
> active. Do you want to exit when they are finished" with a Yes and a
> No button. Regardless of if I press Yes or No I have to wait for the
> program connection attempt to time out before I can close The Bat! I
> cannot cancel the job as I used to be able to. Anyone else find this
> annoying as well, or find a way around it please?

I agree, a cancel button would be nice. The way around it though it to
display the connection center, and abort the connection in there. To
display that, go to Options - Preferences - General - Display
Connection Center - Change to Always. Then terminate your connection,
and hide it again. Then you can close :)

- --
Jonathan Angliss

Version: 6.5.8ckt


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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