Good night Wolffe,
It was foretold that on 16-10-2002 @ 17:08:52 GMT-0400 (which was
23:08:52 where I live) Wolffe spread these wise comments:
<snipped a bit>

W> Caution!!!  This  is  BETA  and  may  ...  nay WILL .. contain bugs
W> (however  slight). That's why beta annoucements and discussions are
W> kept  to  the  tbbeta  discussion group. If you follow the link and
W> download the beta version, you are doing so at your own risk.

I think most of the list members are aware that a beta version
contains bugs (although i'm using beta versions since some time now,
without having more bugs then in the non-beta version).
The reason i posted my message is for those who had in the past a
whish on this list for this feature.

Didn't mean to step on _your_ toes. ;-)

Best regards,
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