Hi Marck!

In message mid:4368798597.20021020100148@;silverstones.com 
on Sunday, October 20, 2002, 4:01:48 AM, you wrote:

MDP> Dispatch  is  the correct spelling of the word. Despatch is not a
MDP> real  word  and  is  a  typo on your dispatch forms :-). For some
MDP> reason  the  word  "despatch"  is  erroneously included in the TB
MDP> spell-check dictionary. MS-Word's dictionary refuses to accept it
MDP> in either US English or UK English mode.


Google  shows about 320000 hits for "despatch", many of the references
in  British  business  names,  and more especially used by the British
(and therefore probably Australian) military.


Using  The  Bat! 1.61 under Windows XP 5.1 Build 2600 on an AMD Athlon
XP 1900 (1.6G real, 1.9G effective) with 512MB.

Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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