Hello Dave,

Friday, October 25, 2002, 8:47:07 PM, you wrote:

>> I think it would be useful to have multiple Windows users, each having
>> their own TB! setup. When I try this it seems to work when all Windows
>> user are of type "Computer administrator" but my kids have a "Limited
>> account" and when I try to start TB! from such an account I get the
>> error message "Failed to create working directory C:\Program Files\The
>> Bat!\MAIL\.

>> Any suggestion how to fix this without promoting the kids to "Computer
>> administrator"?

DG> This is how I have my SO & myself set up on XP, however, we are
DG> both "Administrator" accounts. It sounds to me like a permissions
DG> issue to the MAIL folder. Are you using NTFS? Maybe try altering
DG> the permissions for that folder so the kids' XP user accounts
DG> have "full control" rights on that folder.

Ok, it took me some time to figure out how to set folder permissions
in XPhome (no security tab when I right-click a folder, so I had to
boot in safe mode to make the settings) but it solved the problem :-)

I now have multiple Windows "Limited account" users with there own TB!
account. WHen such a user start TB! he/she only has access to his/her
own TB! account. It is also possible to give one Windows user an
overview of all TB! accounts by re-defining all TB! accounts used by
the various Windows users.

Thanks for the suggestion!

Best regards,

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