On Thu, Oct 31, 2002 at 10:05:42AM -0500 or thereabouts, Jan Rifkinson wrote:
> Hello Bat Folk.
>   A number of people have written me
>   [different lists] that they are no longer
>   rcvng my posts. In one case, the remote
>   ISP/server returned my post with a msg that
>   they did not accept spam.
>   Now I'm wondering if this is the same
>   problem that was brought up some time ago
>   in which there was a question of some
>   severs filtering out TB! msgs
>   automatically.

Probably not TB! messages, but rather servers filtering out IP addresses
or blocks of addresses.  Many ISPs use RBLs (realtime blackhole Lists) as
their defense against SPAM (along with many other ways).  Before a message
is accepted by SMTP, it is sent to these lists (there are several), and if
the block of IP addresses shows up, the mail is rejected for receipt. 
>   Any comments/suggestions would be
>   appreciated. I don't want to have to resort
>   to x-ray or something to mask the mailer
>   but I don't know what some other
>   alternatives might be.

See if you can get your hands on the rejected full header from the person
who received this.  Also, you might want to check a few ORBs to see if
your IP address/range is blacklisted.  One would be the mail-abuse
prevention system at http://www.mail-abuse.org

Best regards,

    sed '/^[when][coders]/!d
    ' /usr/share/dict/words

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