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In <mid:199561318.20021103095751@;tpg.com.au>,
Tom Sadler [TS] wrote:'

TS> I'm currently using NOD32 as my AV scanner, and I'd like to put
TS> a tagline in all outgoing mail to the effect that the mail has
TS> been scanned by NOD32, version such and such. The version
TS> displayed should be the current version that I have. I know the
TS> file NOD32.ver contains this information, but in line 6 or so of
TS> the file. Cookies therefore won't work. Will Regex achieve what
TS> I want to, or is there another way?

Though I agree with the sentiments of those who have so far
commented on your post, I decided to see if this could be done for
my own edification and alas it can be done. TB! has amazed me yet

Here's how you set it up:

- - Create a quick template with the handle "nod32".

- - In it place the following text:


- - You'll need to change the path to in the second line of the regex
macro to reflect the path to your NON32 installation directory.

- - In your signature macro, you can now put:

This message has been scanned using NOD32 v%Qinclude="nod32"

Using the above regex macro, my current NOD32 version is

1.324 (20021030)

Enjoy! But I don't really see the point in this since no security
conscious person will trust this statement unless they run NOD32 and
can vouch for its effectiveness as AV Software as well as confirm
that you're running an updated version. Otherwise it will just fall
on blank eyes.

It's better to include the name and description of any attachment
that you choose to send. This will make the recipient more
comfortable that the file is being deliberately sent by you.

This little exercise makes me realize that I can extract text from
remote files defining the text in the remote file through the %Put
macro. :)

- -- 
Allie C Martin     \      TB! v1.62/Beta7 & WinXP Pro (SP1)
 List Moderator    /   PGP Key - http://pub-key.ac-martin.com
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1 (Win32) - GPGshell v2.65


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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