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Hi clemens,

@8-Nov-2002, 10:20 +0100 (09:20 UK time) clemens schmuck [CS] in
mid:19510078843.20021108102031@;geo-byte.at said:

CS> i'm currently evaluationg the bat for our office since we are
CS> not fully satisfied with our current email client (eudora) i
CS> hope that you can help me with my questions:

Let's try.

 ... <snip>

CS> my questions:

CS> 1) cooperate accounts (multiple users reading the same pop account):
CS> * each user should be able to download and read its own emails and the
CS>   emails of the office@... acounts.

This is two separate requirements.

Obviously, each client can read its own private mail accounts and
configuration is straightforward.

Less obvious is a configuration that would allow shared access to
the office@ account. The other issues below relate directly to

How I have seen this done in the past is for TB to use a shared
network path to a mailbase for a common office-wide account. I have
one customer using the system like this. That's one way of doing it.

Another is for all clients to have a separate "office@" account and
to configure them all to "Leave messages on server for 'n' days"
where 'n' is a large enough number (say, 7) to ensure that all users
get a copy of the incoming mail before it is deleted.

This second method is (IMHO) far more stable than literally sharing
the folders across the network.

CS> * each user should see the new messages of the office@... acount
CS>   in his ticker.

Both methods above allow for this to happen.

CS> * outgoing messages  from office@... should be avaliable on all
CS>   installations

This will be the case for the first method but will only work on the
second if there is a working practice of CC or BCC to office@ for
all outgoing messages.

CS> * each user should have access to a cooperate addressbook and
CS>   have its own private addressbook.

TB has innate abilities to access multiple address books, one of
which could easily be a network shared resource. There is a caveat
here. Because the TB address book is itself not a networked version,
seeing updates made from one system on another may require a reload.

Another way to implement a shared address book (gotta love this
"many ways to skin a cat" approach TB gives you <g>) is by using an
LDAP server on your LAN and making TB use that (which it can).

CS> 2) multiple installations of the bat running at the same time
CS>    reading the same pop account

Method 2 (leave messages on server for 'n' days) covers this usage.

CS> some users in our office work on more than one computer and
CS> would like to have the bat running on each of them at the same
CS> time. each installation should get the latest messages and the
CS> installations should be syncroniced all the time. is there a way
CS> to do this?

Synchronisation is a feature of the TB maintenance centre, but it
isn't automated and again, CC and "leave messages on server"
practices will evade the need to use such methods.

CS> 3) pgp 8 pgp8 is on the rise.... will the bat support this?

PGP 7 never released source or SDK. As such, no plug-in was ever
released for TB for v7. Whether or not TB will have a plug-in for
PGP 8 is dependant on exactly the same criteria. Having said that,
numerous v7 (and now v8) users use PGP with TB via the tooltray and
hotkey support PGP itself adds.

I personally use PGP 6.5.8ckt and (more commonly) GnuPG, both of
which are fully supported by TB plug-ins.

- --
Cheers -- .\\arck D Pearlstone -- List moderator
TB! v1.62/Beta7 on Windows 2000 5.0.2195 Service Pack 2
Version: GnuPG v1.2.1rc1-nr1 (Windows 2000)


Current version is 1.61 | "Using TBUDL" information:

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